unhinged the zen peacemaker bearing witness retreat at auchwitz

'the horror of that place and what happened there, there's no way your mind can wrap it up in any, you know philosophies fall apart, religious views fall apart, spiritual views fall apart, and you're just in the raw horror of it and you either run away or you hang in there. and that's the second tenet (of the zen peacemaker order) bearing witness. bearing witness is not running away. bearing witness is allowing ourselves to be deeply touched by the suffering and the joy of life without the protection of our knowing. and it's a very hard place to be. not running away, physically not running away, philosophically religiously and so forth conceptually not running away....many cultures over thousands of years have done this same practice in one form or another and have found that to the extent that you're able to shift into not knowing to whatever degree and that you're willing to allow reality to really touch you and face reality as it is without the protection of our knowing that that becomes very transformative and that the actions that can arise out of that are actually a genuine wisdom based response to what is rather than coming from our opinions and preconceptions and so forth' - acharya fleet maull
unhinged wept

i have been avoiding meditation lately; every time i still still with my heart these days tears spill out
unhinged or not

' 'black intelligence and black suspicion is still there among the masses,' (cornel) west said. 'black people are not stupid. we are not completely duped. we are just scared. we don't think there is any alternative. this is the re-niggerization of the black professional class. they have big money, nice positions, comfort and convenience, but are scared, intimidated, afraid to tell the truth, and will not bear witness to justice. those who are incorporated into the black professional and political class are willing to tolerate disrespect for the black masses and sip their tea and accept their checks and gain access to power. this is what niggerization is - keeping people afraid and intimidated.' ' from wages_of_rebellion by chris hedges
what's it to you?
who go