klarchen My friend and I like to go out for sushi.
We will drive in the pouring rain for sushi.
We will spend our last dollar for sushi.
We would do anything for some sticky rice, shrimp, piece of chive, and sesame seeds.

However the pickled ginger and the wasabi paste are expendables, we don't like the taste sensation they offer
whirligirl sci-fi wasabi
obi wan kenobi told me
User24 Wasabi?


ya, wasabi..

NO! Whassssupi!!!

User24 Muhahahahahaaa!!!!

Don't I just know how to kill a thread.
wasabi thud 020108
j_blue nasal_explosion incarnate 020109
CheapVodka i ate sushi the other night
the shrimp was stuck to the rice with wasabi and they put a big glob of it on one of them...oh did it burn
little wonder i had sushi last night. my brother decided that he could handle a large chunk of wasabi by itself.

it wasn't as amusing as i had hoped.
Persona hmm.. so my single sushi experience left me with a bad taste in my mouth. The idea of eating seaweed doesn't appeal to me, although I now crave octopus (minus those little sucker cup things)and wasabi on hotdogs. yum. 020305
birdmad the first time i ate it, i mistook it for avocado

it knocked me outta my chair.

the mixed look of concern and the urge to laugh at the spectacle of my reaction
little wonder Last week my little sister bought some sushi for lunch, and for some reason in her previous sushi-eating experiences, she had never noticed the wasabi before.
she picked it up and said "Jeesssiii I have extra avocado, do you want it?"
I just figured she was talking about the avocado in the sushi roll. I said no and looked over at her just as she was starting to put it in her mouth...every last bit of it. I yelled STOP and she did. She would have been a mess if she popped it in her mouth.
blueberry Has someone ever threatened to put wasabi in your ear if you weren't good?

I hope not.

But I'm good, so don't worry.
misstree mixed appropriately with fresh garlic and mashed potatoes, produces Shogun Potatoes, one of the most wonderful mass-quantity foods on earth. 020309
kariann is tastely. 060228
pSyche I remember a commercial(?) about wasabi...

it is necessary for the eating of sushi, and the tastiness of wasabi peas.
hsg mouthful of it.

leftovers can be dangerous.
what's it to you?
who go