fyn gula how fragie are we?

tied together with the dangling silk of a trapped insect's valiant attempt to escape the spider's sticky web, will we bend or will we break?

will we shout or will we remain in quiet?
will we live or will we die?

we long for time, for its sudden passage to cover our shame, to hide our sin, to cleanse us of our guilt.

how did it come this far?
white_light hiding in amongst these blathes, shining different colours blue. 020822
Missive Somwhere. Hiding like a zebra in a field. Walking the herd amongst the flowers and the snakes. Learning with every step he takes. Stepping carefully to avoid life's larger puddles but he dosen't mind getting his feet wet. He walks with purpose and is quick on his feet he looks like a viking. Red beard and barrel chested. Some guys have a six pack he has a keg. His burnt cedar hair and dark brown eyes make people turn and stare. Or at least so they think. What they are really staring at is the way he is diffrent then anyone else you have ever seen. Some people look in disgust some in interest some even in envy. But they all have one thing in common they turn to their others and say, "did you see that guy" he dosen't know what they say after that but he guesses it dosen't really matter. At least they looked at me he tells himself when it is a cute girl. But why never more. He is shy but he is social. He is quiet in large groups but loud in small groups. He trips on himself when he is nervous he acts the clown when he is scared and in case you hadn't figured it out yet.

He is ME
change_thestars@hotmail.com gone 040902
what's it to you?
who go