Death of a Rose Follow me for a moment.
I would make plain my compulsion.
Magnify your want,
That samll mark of annoyance:
Or heal the fallacies of silence.

There are so many who do not
know who they are.
But live with what they do.
It is only very rarely you can
seperate a distinctive goodness
of character, that should/can't
be polluted from that personality
of conscience.

You should be my balanced truths.
And if I could I would play
a concerto in your mind;
just to alleviate my freedom.

The implementation of considering
future worth, blends into mirages
and clouds what shall improve the

Maybe we interpret our actions
too quickly.
Will we all become inefficient
machines and ignorant moles?

Your lush vibrancy is my pen.
I cannot claim to be king of
anyone, nor would I wish to be
Instead treat us as equals, even
if you have to lie to yourself.
I know immaturity is hard to tolerate,
for some, but I believe quite
strongly that this morning fog
will not entirely dissapate.

So let us not be latent but perpetual.
gwyllynne they asked about the castle....and I brought them to the woods..."look, see the woods?...go play in them"......they asked about the castle.....and I brought them to the clear and tiny pond...."look, see the pond?.....dip your feet in the cooling in it"......they asked about the castle......and I showed them the ancient temple....."look, see the temple?...sunlight washes gently over it.....the trees stretch to cradle it.....the air inside is crisp and fresh.....go and let your giggles be heard from within.".....they asked about the castle.....and I showed them the sky..."look, see how the clouds dance?" ....and warm was my smile as it crept across my lips.....and rosy were my cheeks.....and my eyes did sparkle .... 031221
misstree very nice on both counts. 031222
Death of a Rose did you notice the snippet that i stole from this poem and pasted into our little soiree.

whitechocolatewalrus i did, i thought i was hallucinating though. i like concertos. 031222
walrus for your castle, i would sell my world. 031225
Death of a Rose In my castle your world is free. 040218
what's it to you?
who go