New York Snow Can't talk to you anymore. I've said it all to you before anyway. I'm bored with it. You've stopped listening.

But I hate seeing you doing this to yourself, beating yourself up over something that is damn minor, and that you created anyway. Hell, sometimes I just think you love the drama and the heartache. Maybe it's time to wake up and see that while you're going ballistic over some boy, creating your pain all over the place, some of us have real problems. Problems which you only seem to have time for with useless answers. "It'll work out. It'll be OK". Gee, thanks. Maybe you need the same answer.

You're a very special person. You know that. Everybody's always telling you that enough - maybe too much, seeming you almost demand it of people. You have a personality and character that draw people to you. You have a good life by most people's standards. Yeah, we all have black moments and areas, but in the material world you're doing fine. So why does everything have to be such a hurry? Why does it all have to happen now? This guy will happen, if it's what's gonna happen. But, in the meantime, get on with your life. You have so much that you can be, so much that you can do, so much that you can give. But you don't. You curl yourself up in a womb-like ball, and cry your eyes out over a guy who's leading you round all over the place. He doesn't know what he wants, can't you see that? He will know what he wants one day, and you just have to sit tight until then. Sorry, tough call and all that, but that's life.
k you probably didn't mean this for me. As a matter of fact, I know you didnt' mean it for me. I'm positive. But goddamn if that didn't slap me in the face.

If everyone has the same problems, why can't somebody figure out a way to fix them?
somebody other than k? sorry everyone... I didn't realize k was already taken... 010127
.. dial my number 010304
what's it to you?
who go