. . 031105
notme down_down_bush_bush 040408
z hypertext tautological loop 040408
notme quagmire 040413
goatse haha lame 040413
uow there seems to be a whole lot more google results for 'vietraq' now since when i made this blathe. 040917
uow from something like 24 to 224 040917
Strideo but it had nothing to do with those 24 other instances that appeared on google. . .

uow huh? 040917
uow i was watching the news, talking with people, i used the word vietraq to describe my thinking, said to myself hey! new word!, then was sitting in front of blather a short few minutes after, made my vietraq dot dot, then immediately thought hmm i wonder? how many other people are using this word already, so i checked google and realized i hadn't invented the word, but still there weren't all that many googlesults that point
now there are more, and i thought that was neat that the word was growing. i think a lot of people musta got hit by the same brainwave

thinks everything has to do with everything
today theyre saying the_echoes_of_vietnam

"Bush sees possible Iraq-Vietnam parallel"
birdmad Bush quoted a comparison to something akin to the 1968 Tet_Offensive put forth by useless pundit Thomas Friedman who has been saying "the next six months will be crucial/definitive/insert-phrase-here" for the last 3 years.

If we convert a six month period to a measure of time called the "Friedman Unit" or F.U. we find that every 0.5 F.U. Friedman moves his goalposts again postponing the arrival of his ostensible benchmark for success by another six months

the strategerizing continues unabated

Meanwhile the Writ of Habeas Corpus is the most recent high value target to be terminated by the regime of the Mayberry Machiavellis

"A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illetgal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand they do less easily move against him believing that he has the gods on his side"

--- Aristotle

"If this were a dictatorship it'd be a heck of a lot easier - just so long as I'm the dictator"
--------- GWB 12/18/2000

"There ought to be limits to freedom"
------- GWB 5/31/1999
grendel specifically Bush quoted Friedman's comparison of the recent upswing in violence and U.S. casualties to the ostensibly similar outcome of the Tet offensive 061019
what's it to you?
who go