unhinged 'it is our job to make sure the next generation is taught how to think, to understand systems of oppression and how they work.'

'we are never going to build an effective resistance movement within the toxic embrace of the democratic party. most of my students are sitting behind bars trapped in cages because of bill and hillary clinton. and joe biden. and the democratic establishment that decided they would seize the issue of 'law and order' from the republicans.'

'people say the system doesn't work. they are wrong. the system works exactly as it is designed to work. and if you want to understand exactly what the corporate state intends to do to all of us, go to a prison' - chris hedges
unhinged '....for (stefan) zweig, the rise of the industrial age and the industrial man and woman is a terrifying metamorphosis in the relationship of human beings to the world. as specialists and bureaucrats, human beings become tools, able to make systems of exploitation and even terror function efficiently without the slightest sense of personal responsibility or understanding. they retreat into the arcane language of all specialists to mask what they are doing and give to their work a sanitized, clinical veneer.

this is hannah arendt's central point of 'eichmann in jerusalem'. technocratic human beings are spiritually dead. they are capable of anything, no matter how heinous, because they do not reflect upon or question the goal. 'the longer one listened to him,' arendt writes of eichmann on trial, 'the more obvious it became that his inability to speak was closely connected with this inability to think, namely, to think from the standpoint of somebody else. no communication was possible with him, not because he lied but because he was surrounded by the most reliable of all safeguards against the words and presence of others, and hence against reality as such.' ' - chris hedges
smallhours The Milgram Experiment has always fascinated me. It was partially inspired by Eichmann's testimony in trial. 171207
smallhours the_banality_of_evil 171207
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