florescent light New scars form, each one crippling
And I think about how they take chunks of my life away.
And what if these scars don't heal?
I won't be normal.
What if I had lost my leg, instead?
Where would my dreams go?
I couldn't possibly marry my 'ideal' mate, because surely he wouldn't want a woman without a leg.
If circumstances had proven different
If I make one wrong turn; one slice of the knife too many; a split-second-glad-it-didn't-happen-to-me movement that keeps me alive, but with visible scars - it will jeopardize my chances of fulfilling my career, marriage, friendships,...success.

And what about people who are born crippled/blind/deaf/handicapped?

Us fortunate people are surrounded by people like ourselves, all in tact, perfectly functional. Society is run by these people, movies are made about them. The majority of the world is them.

I don't know, I guess it just scares me to think about how it all can be taken away from me, from a cat scratch to the face.
pat sajak think_thing to blort over while you keep it crunchy in '02. 020602
three words somethingto_think_about
sprouting_light tiger_art
Eh...its_Lemon_Sodas_fault...what_a_sour_pop I don't know if theres going to be AIR in the next five minutes, but I'm not going to ponder how much I can't control that in lue(sp?) of something more constructive. Yes, not thinking about it doesn't mean it won't happen, but I'm not going to sacrifice my peace over something that has not nor may ever become a problem.

And I don't think its a terribley good use of time to try to understand someone else's handicap for two reason 1. I've got my own failings and I should be concentraiting on excepting and understanding those (Know Thy Self)
2. I can be considerate and respectful to people without pitying them or analyzing something about them they would rather people wouldn't point out and I CAN NOT truly understand without actually experienceing.

Its disrespectful of me to think I understand something I can't and its disrespectful to them as well.

I'm not saying it isnt hard to be handicapped or mutilated, what I'm saying is I DON'T know what its like(save a few scars)and I've no buisness disrupting my life or anyone elses by cringing from the possibilty that somethings gonna change my life for the worse.
what's it to you?
who go