werewolf i was there in the circus,
the day when the tigers escaped.
even the elephants slow sad
eyes picked up
their pace for a moment,
untill they realized that they were
again beyond this excitement.
That the savannas
were still beyond the reach
of a few errant tigers.
But the tigers brought
all of their wilderness
to the eyes of those in the stands.
To even the crusty headmaster
who knew suckers and freaks
both genuine and crafted.

The big top emptied pretty quick,
but above in the stands
a child sat,
left by frantic
parents or guardians or both.
And his face was quite calm.
One elephant looked to his eyes
and shared with him the savannas
with the wide open blue skies
wider and widening.
And the tiger grew suddenly
interested, taken aback,
and so marched forward
to erase the confusion
of the child's calm.
Marched onwards like fire
to the backbeat
of a sudden almost forgotten
loud whinnying
that spread out across time
drawn out to pinheads
by whips and roars.
curious king george III they die for you! 020912
. . 040315
i80 you know it's true 040315
what's it to you?
who go