Borealis carries my soul
over the rough and calm waters of this world

she is laden with sweeter things than I, and all the bitterness of leaves seeps from the darker spaces in my heart.

she is piloted one who knows no longer how to sail..perhaps she never knew

her sails are white..her body black
and she is packed...with the memories of a life...
of a love..
of a loss...

have a sip of my tea?
mourninglight avast..
the winds blow north tonight
to colder ports
and blander wares

the tea will be traded for pickled herring and coarse cloth..
but the memories will remain

we go where the wind wills
pete i knew these were yours before i read the blathe..

i read the title and was going to write, simply, ashley
mourninglight set the sails my dears..
we leave port in the morning

rewrap the tea stained sails

for the cold winds of the north do not favor my temperment this month
nor does the taste of stale gin or salted potatoes.

let us lay plans
for a voyage to warmer waters
and welcoming faces
with arms open and hands upturned
offering coconut milk, and fruit

friendship, and trust.

this sleep has lasted long enough..
mourninglight movement through time and space
growing tired of this dimension in drawn out angered love

the tension has reached a peak, and metal memory lingers no longer.

slip a hoop through my ear and remember...but be born again

its time this boat took to flying
pete the light finds the darkness, only after she is summoned to be by the one who is found...

do you remember ashley?
what's it to you?
who go