god an asterisk of detail in the void. a dream of alien objects undefined by recognition. terror of total unknowing. dreams. 020409
sabbie no, thats a fish eye lense viewed through a cheeseburger 020409
god whew. 020409
lilac_air I have given up on the obvious and on any perception seem rather limiting 030307
*dis*COW* seeing is believeing......aaaa that socrates dialogue we had to write in philo!!!perception, seeing, fact, believeing.... 030307
three words when_will_you_die is_this_perception it's_only_people 060713
z "undefined by recognition"

i like that
LS I've touched on it before but I think I'll cement this in writing, for me.

I am unique by the combination of my body, created from two others and like no other, my mind, a unique storage of experiences that are processed like no other, and my heart, a seat of emotions and moral centering created by my actions and my reactions to them.

I am me and there are no others like me. I act like me, I think like me, and feel like me.

I want happiness and peace for the hurt and tormented, because that is what I have wanted when I felt these ways. I want enrichment and agitation for the happy and peaceful, because that is what I have wanted when I felt these ways.

I want those who don't know to find the answers they seek, because I am happiest when I learn. I want those who know to share wisely, because when I know that is what I wish to do.

I want the weak to grow strong, because I am weak and wish the same. I want those who are strong to seek humility, because that is what I seek in moments of strength.

I want to be glad to see everyone, because I am happy when anyone is glad to see me. I want to hear other laugh, because I love to laugh myself.

I want everyone to trust in a higher power, because that is the only answer to the unanswerable. I want people to stop killing eachother because I will not kill. I want people to let go of the lost, because I have found peace in letting go. I want people to search for the hidden, because of what I have found.

I want to be comfort for the lonely, because I am lonely and need comfort.

That is me, or most of it, rather. That is what I see and what I want. This is my perception, my view.
what's it to you?
who go