Borealis in harmony
a sort of..intrinsic awareness of where the rest of me is at any given moment.

know thyself.

I suppose.
notme i slammed my finger in the door 040602
notme or maybe i slammed the door on my finger 040602
newme way hey hey i'm tuning my fiddle
wish me luck luck
i can't afford to break a string
newme it always makes me so nervous
i'm sitting here looking at the A peg
its stiff and i'm scared to turn it
just do it! just do it! i say to myself but then i think nah!
i'll just get him to do it for me
because he said "anytime" last time
and i'd rather not risk it
because if it breaks right now
i'll have to wait and wait to change it
and i know a fiddle should always
have all four strings to keep it happy
to keep me happy
i know i must grow up already
and not be afraid of breaking things
but i don't have the moola right now
to afford a broken string
newme so i cheated
got scared
backed out of the plan
used the fine tuner
instead, again
which is fine except
its getting down
to not much room left
to turn this one
i have no problems at all
with fine tuners
i love
my fine tuners
i use them all the time
just wish
i would get over this
i never used to be
this way
it's this fiddle
you see
newish strings and
the pegs
can be sticky
in warm weather
which is of course
good and not so good
she can pretty much
stay in tune for months
and months
it's unhealthy not to turn
the pegs, the holes
can become funny

i love
these strings
this fiddle so much
i hope i get
another one soon
so i have
a backup fiddle
in case one
or the other goes down
i'll have another still
to play
and then i'll tune
and tune them both
ridding myself
of my bad tuning habits
or at least that is the plan
what's it to you?
who go