If anyone knows the name to this fable, or any other hints so as i might rediscover its existance, i would be most grateful. When I was a small child, i used to watch nickelodeon, which used to run animated fables from time to time... once when i was at my grandma's house one that follows this plot line aired: It starts out with a deserted battle field, and there is a lone soldier, who has not yet started his trek home. He's resting under a tree when the devil appears before him. For some reason or another, this soldier makes a bargain with the devil. The deal is loosely as follows: if the man wears a heavy bear skin coat, doesn't shave, bathe, clip his fingernails... anything for five years, and during that whole time he also wonders from town to town, but he must also deny any form of comfort, he can't stay in inns or taverns... and he must live off of the offerings of others. If he does this, the devil will grant him three wishes... i don't remember them all, but one was that whenever he reached into his pocket it would be full of gold.(that's the only one i remember). He does win his bargain against the devil, after spending years as a rejected person, but relying on the same people that reject him for sustanance. I remember one seen where it starts raining, and he's so happy, because it's the only form of bath he ever gets. There's also a part where he goes to a house that has three daughters, he finds them all very beautiful.. and asks the father that if he would return in three years a wealthy man, he could have one of the daughters hand in marriage. two of them reject him, because he looks and smells odius.. but the third looks at his eyes, and reluctantly makes a promise with him, and he seperates a ring so that they might know each other when he returns. Which he does... after all, it is a fable. This story at the time had a profound effect on me, and I would really like to know it's origin, as most of the tales on nickelodeon at that time were based on real fables... so if anyone can contribute, please do.
what's it to you?