forever the [noun] not forever the [adverb] forever [is] real. not as: for a limitless time [wants to live forever] :: but rather as:: a seemingly interminable time : excessively long [it took her forever to find me] forever [is] real. if you do not gaze upon it in a strict sense a clinical sort of essence forever doesnt neccess. mean nor literally mean [for a limitless time] to me it means: that when i say forever i shall not end it over shallow, hypocritical, selfish reasons ... such as: someones illness esp. [[when]] that person themself has been supported and loved through [everything in 6 yrs] its one thing to have someone say they wont love you as a partner/lover/gf or what not, its another to have that person say they can not simply [love] you cuz of your illness ... she was supposed to be my family ... and thats the promise of forever that hurts, not the previous. It's not about being temporarily secure, perhaps for some, perhaps for you but this is not my truth nor my reality, and i shall not lay claim. to not believe is to not trust, and i can not engage within any relationship without foundational trust, if i give up trust ... i give up on myself ... on others ... and lifely experiences yes its difficult to trust someone when they say they will love you forever ... esp when they mean it, and all your experiences in life tells you otherwise ... but i guess you can either go through life with distrustfull hearts & eyes or with trusting hearts & eyes ... i choose the later. a seemingly interminable time is never out of my hands. I know this is true for i have since relationship #1 [of 3 years] & relationship #2[of 6 years] could have given myself forver. i dont ask for much just to be able to love & be loved :: this is all :: forever the [noun] not forever the [adverb] forever [is] real.
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blown cherry I hope & pray that you do not feel attacked by this spin off of your blathe its just that your blathe inspired me to delve deep into the very notion of :: forever :: and to discover my ever changing truths in these here moments so again i hope you did not feel unvalidated or attacked but rather have it be known that i appreciated your words & oh how they inspired me to perceive my ownself within the context of my here & nowness :: thank you :: blown cherry :: thank you ::
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