misstree they watch me, so silent, so still,
eyes shining with reflected light,
is that the gleam of intelligence? malice?
have i neglected this little porcelian representation
to the point where it wishes me ill? is its
existence justified by sitting atop this shelf,
surrounded by other likenesses,
or does its burgeoning sentience wish for more,
does it secretly seethe and resent my movement?

some night, maybe i'll wake up and know the truth.
nomatter there is this episode of the x-files... yeah. 031114
ferret lol CLOWN dolls are creepy. 031114
smurfus rex "Hi, I'm Teddy Ruxpin...

...You must kill Mommy and Daddy" *big grin*
Strideo lol. i'm with ferret. clown dolls ARE creepy
u24 I sometimes watch them, stroke their hair, even talk idly to them. I wonder if and how they feel, stuck up, unmoving on a shelf, dusty hair, shining eyes of... what? innocence? wisdom? what do their eyes convey, so lifelike they're almost real.

creepy indeed.
ardo u24 is starting to get creepy. 031117
u24 starting? hahah. my dear, I started an age ago.

(just trying to sound creepy.. didn'y really work, did it? nm..)
shivers dolls
that was a creepy book, really liked it tho
Jane Doe My mom collects dolls from the 50's. Friends never stayed the night at my house because when you take the long travel to the "upstairs" the first thing that greets you is an army of unwanted dolls that have been collected through ebay. Every vacuous stare held upon you all at once is too much to handle, creating an uncertainty and wishful thinking that you could get out of this hell hole that you have so profoundly trapped yourself in. It only takes a few steps to travel "downstairs"... but who would turn their back to the enemy? 040101
what's it to you?
who go