User24 the house elves steal things and re-arrange my desk in the middle of the night, they also take thoughts out of my head (ever walked into a room, completely forgotten why you're there, and so walked out again? that'll be your house_elves, stealing thoughts)

it's ok, though, they're not malicious, every time you find some money in your back pocket, they slipped it in there as a gift, every time you find something you've been looking for for ages, they found it and showed it to you, yes yes, the house_elves are nice little bods, see them less as intruders, and more as company for lonely times, you hear them in the dead of night, shuffling your paperwork, replacing things they took years ago, giving you little presents, and taking little payments.
bandersnatch that explains sooo much

thank you
celestias shadow SPEW 031013
Perplexlypuzzled I actually thought that was just my mind playing tricks on me.. He often does that, you know. But thank you so much for clearing that up. Are we each assigned a specific house elf, or do the all come and go randomly? Because I would really like to meet one one of these days. I think the dobby-like creatures would be fascinating as friends. 031013
User24 there's a couple in every house, sometimes they move houses, but only if you annoy them, for instance by blaming them for things they didn't do, or sometimes just becuase they feel like moving on, a lot of the time they just sleepily watch you moving things around, not interfering too much, but occasionally they take fate into their own hands, depriving you of a crucial item, or handing you exactly what you need, right when you need it. 031014
notme brownies 031014
User24 wha? 031014
nom brownies are good little buggers
User24 well I never! 031014
Perplexlypuzzled .. Nope, can't say I ever either...

What did I never do?

cupcake can you tell them to give me back my hairbrush, my silver fairie necklace, my watch, and all the barettes and socks they've stolen??? (i think they might ahve some of my underware too!) 031015
self_transforming_machine_elves 031015
what's it to you?
who go