KC 56-80 ground meat
(beef or pork, or even both)

red-chili powder

other seasonings added accoring to one's tastes

a friend's mom makes it sometimes, i watched her making some one afternoon a while back when i was there to stay over and help work on a big project for chemistry class (they still tease me about the mess i made in the garage when it worked a little too well)

she wrapped it in plastic and put it in the fridge to mix/cure when she was done. The next morning when we came down for breakfastshe mixed it with a little egg and cooked it in the skillet
it was the first time i had ever had what i guess you'd call "mexican food" for breakfast

damn yummy too.

my bud and his sister like my mom's cooking too so we've convinced our moms to do a little recipe trading

life is tasty
IKC 56-80 my EYE, my EYE

d'oh i hate typos
daxle my brother was frying some up the other day and I tried to explain "see ground 'meat' is pretty gross, and eggs are pretty gross, and when you put them together... they don't get any less gross" 020822
IKC 56-80 from a vegetarian's perspective i guess it would be kinda creepy.

from my POV i think it's yummy

daxle of course! I wasn't trying to argue at all... just stating my thoughts. 020822
unhinged 'refried beans aren't refried at all...they are mashed beans with chorizo in them.'

and they were the best refried beans i ever ate. yum yum.
scancode it's the perfect meal 050720
tummy *rumble* 050720
akuma aoi since my mom and grandmother have passed on and the sister who does know how to make it isn't speaking to the rest of the family, i haven't had any since last summer.

dos Lunch today was a stop at my local Mexican restaurant - huevos con chorizo. Mexico's version of sausage and eggs, and God bless 'em for it. 080718
what's it to you?
who go