karl the weed now would be the time to press it, what with al the crap about how blather is turning into a chat room, and all the stuff that looks like a chat room.

i think blather should not be governed and we should just do whatever we want with it.

but it would be interesting if blather got reset.
ferret *russion doctor voice* i sense a lot of negetive energy here...

sense a lot of negetive energy here
blather spell check russian
sixteen I would breathe a sigh of relief. all of it! gone!

Its nice to wipe the slate clean. Which might be why i have more names than a thesaurus has synonyms.
x we had an opportunity for yet another blather. i noticed that no one took it though. i can't even remember the link right now. could probably follow amy's blathes backwards. it just seems like there's hardly a point anymore. 030701
A Viking In Peru The other blather is red blather. http://blather.newdream.net/red/ 030701
birdmad A third blather, she means 030701
A Viking In Peru O.O There was a third blather? 030702
x "no one took it, though" 030702
splat The talks of this potential "third blather" pricks my interest ... 030702
ShilohLives Mee too...I like blather red, but all new...Like empty It would be nice... If yall' find anything out let me know PLEAZZZZ!!! 030702
x um, no. not after that. 030702
. i just keep stumbling about and finding a little 'x' mark in all the right boxes.

'x' marks the spot.

spot marks the 'x'.
shivers i like blather just the way it is 031120
endless desire all 1200 blathes down the drain. what a waste what a waste. 040525
minnesota_chris endless, which blathes would you save? 040526
hsgatincamail i want an edit button 040614
chrysalid but it's so lovely 040801
u24 the fact that there is no edit or reset does not seem to have affected our need for one. 040802
Lila Pause If blather had a reset button I would seal it over with scotch tape. 040803
Andrew Sier no_regrets 040803
:) * The_No_evil_rule *

Reset NO Evil...

u24 the_third_blather?
Someone Interested No User24, "Blather 3.0"!

u24.0 heh. yeah. 070214
flowerock edited words, edited direction, edited emotion. apologies_and_undiscoveries 140519
what's it to you?
who go