pushpins what is it about the italics that made me cry?
"i care about YOU" he said in italics in my email. And it seems these things come at just the right time when I think to myself "who cares? nothing matters!" and I slip into nihilistic mazes and only pause my spinning to sip a bit of self hatred.
And I laugh to myself as I log in to my email so i can write someone here a sweet attempt at caring and worship of an idea that I dont even know. Because I need to save my hero, the one I'd like to be. Because because because, it is the worst thing to look at your goal, and see that its not as strong as you thought and that everyone breaks and who am I to survive, if these important people are lost in the masses like me and finding no hope?

But I log into my email and I find a letter and
it says I care about YOU, in italics. and the italics made me cry.
(i care) cube Ok, which Miss Pushpins wrote this one? Was it Pushpins_A, Pushpins_B, or Pushpins_C?
pushpins_b? i think it was yummypins having a bit less of an abstract thought. 020130
pushpins oh, and Johnny West was the italics boy.
I kinda wish he still blathed.
Mahayana ¹²³àbç+-=[{(pushpins)}]=-+déf³²¹
:: i care too.too ::
tutu lets put on tutu's
dance all silly like
with rainbow afro wigs
alphabet soup with red circles
we'll correct all the mistakes
send the final draft into campbells
:: cuz... i still care ...cuz ::
rocks [pop rOcks]
little [twiggie] wonder where oh where did johnny west go and why does he not blathe anymore?

it makes me sad.
Mahayana 1*] i care
2*] i care
3*] i care
4*] i care
5*] i care
6*] i care

1* in brackets
2* parenthesis
3* periods
3* in eXclamations
4* commas
5* tildes
6* italics
pushpins He Had less time
and this little big incident happened
and lots of emotion
and he just gave up I suppose
although last night he blathed something
not under his own name.
what's it to you?
who go