stork daddy i find a purity in imagination that the version of the reality most often contemplated by the hoi polloi is lacking. this is due perhaps to the fact that the subjective experience is our only starting point, and the only existence true skepticism has allowed us. what i mean to say, more exactly, is that the latin phrase "in vino veritas" is an oversimplification of the nature of truth. i do not mean to say that no objective constraints exist in the world, but rather to say that how these constraints are interpreted by each individual and how they negotiate the meaning of the world with other people around them is more a human endeavor than a distillation of some abstract form of truth. so back to drinking copious amounts of wine - how does our existence under any certain set of stimulus in any way represent a more inherently true state of being? would this mean that the soldier who kills, after undergoing a soldier's training, has shown the world the conclusive state of his existence? i find more appealing the idea that it is the individual's duty to decide which objective constraints shall inform that individual's subjective experience of the world. this is the ideal first lionized in nietzche's "will to power" and and ideal we are later resigned to in the development of the exisentialist philosophy. i suppose what i'm ultimately getting at is that we should aim towards making our subjective experience as pleasant as possible, and that this will involve negotiating with ourselves which aspects of our subjective experience we wish to seize upon, and what in the objective world will allow us to do so. in line with what i've discovered to be more true than wine or a soldier's training, is a paraphrase of keat's famous line...truth is booty and booty truth...that is all you know and all you need know. yes, to be caught in a blazing wrong is for me the best measure of my life. call me a horny pragmatist. it is this interaction with the objective in the world that shall from this day forward inform my subjective experience of the world. 061002
Solipstru Reading this caused me to grin, ear to ear, and I blame you SD, you and your horny_pragmatism. 061002
stork daddy but will it get me laid? 061002
wicker man see birdmad's a_hunger_for_it over at red, this sort of strikes me as the blue parallel 061002
what's it to you?
who go