I just feel overwhelming pain now, when I look at these blue pages. Maybe I just need a break from here? I feel like I am losing something that has become a part of me. It's ironic... At first I felt so anonymous, and safe blathing here, and that I could find comfort for my soul. I guess even that has back-fired on me. I'm now resigned to the fact that, I just don't belong anywhere...

I'm just tired of all of the pain! Why does life have to exude so much pain? Why? Why does it battle me, with every step I take? I feel like I give so much to life, and everyone I meet, but my soul continues to be beaten down, over, and over again. My tears have been falling since 3am last night. I'm so fucking exhausted, that I wish I were dead...

Maybe, I just need to kick myself in the ass, and stop being such an award-winning, eye-rolling, self-pitying, drama queen!

Well damn, that made me laugh at least!
god vegetable_man 010105
syd barrett ah ah ah, ah ah ah
Hah, ah ah ah, ah ah ah - oh!
I've been looking all over the place
for a place for me
But it ain't anywhere
It just ain't anywhere.
daxle see it's people saying things like this that keep me coming back to blather even though half the time I'm cursing the newest inane joke of blather (from the fist kitten extravaganza to the united perversion thing)
underneath it all, we're all the same
god agreed 010105
frankenfistkitten hey, i may be perverse and it may be part of my name, but if anybody tries fisting me, i'll give 'em such a clawing

what's it to you?
who go