smurfus rex Mercury Leo Sun Mars Virgo Gemini Uranus Mercury Leo Pisces Mars Uranus Venus Sagittarius Virgo Aries Leo Neptune Pisces Mars Uranus Sagittarius Uranus Gemini Mercury Aquarius Uranus Neptune Sun Mars Virgo Jupiter Jupiter Mercury Pisces Leo Virgo Pisces Sun Leo Sun Capricorn Pisces Melancholic Neptune Mercury Sagittarius Pisces Melancholic Phlegmatic Uranus Pisces Mars Virgo Gemini Uranus Earth Mercury Gemini Gemini Uranus Neptune Phlegmatic Mercury Pisces Mars Pisces Mars Uranus Uranus Leo Neptune Capricorn Virgo Earth Phlegmatic Virgo Sagittarius Cancer Capricorn Sun Leo Neptune Sun Leo Virgo Virgo Sanguine Melancholic Capricorn Cancer Uranus Gemini Gemini Leo Virgo Sagittarius Melancholic Uranus Pisces Sun Neptune Sagittarius Melancholic Jupiter Sun Sagittarius Uranus Capricorn Sun Leo Neptune Melancholic Mars Virgo Gemini Uranus Phlegmatic Mercury Pisces Mars Leo Virgo Pisces Mars Mercury Leo Venus Mercury Leo Mercury Pisces Pisces Virgo Capricorn Mercury Pisces Neptune Virgo Phlegmatic Leo Virgo Leo Virgo Sagittarius Pisces Virgo Uranus Sun Pisces Mercury Pisces Phlegmatic Sun Capricorn Sun Mars Virgo Jupiter Jupiter Mercury Pisces Mars Virgo Gemini Uranus Sun Leo Neptune Pisces Mars Sun Pisces Cancer Uranus Sun Leo Capricorn Saturn Virgo Cancer Earth Virgo Sagittarius Pisces 040831
smurfus rex It looks worse than it is.


:) SHE6 040831
smurfus rex no takers yet?


smurfus rex maybe you're waiting for a hint?

maybe not.

just wait till 7 comes out, if this is a stumper...
marked . 041022
smurfus rex I think I hear u24's gears turning...:) 041022
kookaburra i was thinking of doing a cryptography project for the science fair but looking at all of the different was to encode stuff was really fuckin with my head at 3 in the morning.

in fact, it was something like this right now...
*scratches her sleep-deprived head*
blown cherry V'z nffhzvat vg'f n fvzcyr fhofgvghgvba fvapr gurer ner 26 flzobyf, ohg V'q vyxr n uvag fvapr V'z univat gebhoyr yvavat gurz hc naq V pbhyq fvg urer sbe ubhef gelvat ohg qba'g unir gur cngvrapr sbe gung evtug abj 041024
smurfus rex ubj nobhg ivetb = B 041024
u24 i'd be inclined to agree with blown_cherry. except for what you replied. 041107
smurfus rex need a better hint? 041107
u24 can't hurt :-) 041107
smurfus rex Fvapr V jbhyq unir gb erglcr gur jubyr guvat va beqre gb vapyhqr gur fcnprf orgjrra jbeqf, V guvax V jvyy vafgrnq tvir lbh gur ibjryf. Guvf fubhyq phg qbja gur ahzore bs haxabja yrggref gb gjragl bar vafgrnq bs gjragl fvk.

Fha = N
Henahf = R
Zrephel = V
Ivetb (ntnva) = B
Nevrf = H

V xabj V qba'g unir gb gryy lbh vg'f n fhofgvghgvba pvcure, ohg V ubcr gurfr jvyy uryc lbh penpx vg! Naq gura znlor lbh pna jbex ba gur bevtvany pbqr punyyratr...gung fgvyy unfa'g orra fbyirq. :) Tbbq Yhpx!
smurfus rex okay, so I'm a little behind on the here's a one-two punch combo of code_challenge_07 and code_challenge_08. 050207
****** TOE6 050208
...... ****** 050208
u24 bilbo rex. mostly got it. 060424
u24 va n ubyr va gur tebhaq gurer yvirq n uboovg abg n anfgl qvegl jrg ubyr svyyrq jvgu gur raq 10 bs jbejf naq n abb 15 lf jryy abe lrg n qel oner fnaql ubyr jvgu abguvat va vg gb fvg qbja ba be gb rng vg jnf n uboovg ubyr naq gung jrnaf 16 bj sbeg

as you can see, i've not managed to get some of the symbols*, but as it's known plaintext i could fill in the gaps fairly easily. spleling errors are probably due to poor decoding on my part.

nice one :-)
u24 * if you replace the words you gave in the hint, then replace the remaining words with sequential numbers (so all "Leo"s becomes number 1, mars=2, etc), then you'll be able to see which symbols I missed. stupidly I didn't record either a map of "original words-to-my numbers" or "my numbers-to-plaintext".

I didn't do frequency analysis, i just noted repetitions, spotted "the" and "h*l*" (a lucky guess) and the rest gradually fell into place.

fyi: total time to crack, 30 mins. w00t!

thanks for doing all these, they are a welcome distraction.
u24 bump.
you still here, smurfus?
smurfus rex sort of. I'm out in the California desert for the time being...Twentynine Palms, to be exact. My access is rather occasional, unfortunately.

As for the solution, well done my friend!
JANE va n ubyr va gur tebhaq gurer yvirq n uboovg. abg n anfgl qvegl jrg ubyr svyyrq jvgu gur raqf bs jbez fnaq, n abbxl fzryy abe lrg n qel oner fnaql ubyr jvgu abguvat va vg gb fvg qbja ba be gbrng. vg jnf n uboovg ubyr naq gung zrnaf pbzsbeg 071023
jane not yelling 071023
jane did i do that right?? 071023
u24 you really are rocking aren't you? 071023
jane yeah, they didn't warn us about this crap storm. 071023
jane i didn't write that. 071023
smurfus rex jane's awesome. 071103
what's it to you?
who go