Sol here it is now about 17:15
im meant to be revising for my physics exam tomorrow
Dafremen Its 11:22 here. I'm meant to be doing my job. I am, off and on. Of course you'll ALWAYS be on time with the reliable traction of footwear from the Dog_Boot_Company. Surefooted traction and durable materials make Dog_Boot_Company footwear the right choice to make when time is of the essence.

Dog_Boot_Company: If you've got the time, we've got the boot. Every day.
lost its 11:00 am here right now. 010605
*_the missing link_* time to forget that time exists, because
time_cheats, time_lies. time_sucks.
endless desire i came to the sudden realization today
that there is quite a time difference
between california and england.
or anywhere else. but england is what made me think of it.
so what time is it where you are?
it is 12:44 in the morning here. and i am tired and i want to go to bed. i probably will soon to.
pobodys nerfect 3:53 am, and little pobody's off to bed to go sleepy. *yawns* 030613
endless desire whoa whoa whoa!
ok i just thought of the weirdest thing!
when i am blathing, and the clock strikes midnight, any blathes i make after that go to the "today" side. . .but anyone who lives in the a different time zone has their today side start before (or after) mine. . .which means the start and end of our lists for today and yesterday are all different. and i am always drawn to blathes on different sides of the list and blathes that are written today on one side could technically be yesterday on the other and jeez. sometimes things like this just rock your world and knock you off your feet.
x actually, it may be different now, but it used to be that everyone's switched over according to pacific standard time

being in california, i have no way to tell
Dafremen Yes...and I have infested your precious Claire De Lune!! Buwahaha 030708
pobodys nerfect it's 11:12 pm Eastern time :) 030708
endless desire yes, since i am in california, i would never be able to tell when they switched over. will someone tell me? 030708
pobodys nerfect endless--they switch at 3:00 am Eastern time :) 030708
pobodys nerfect and it's changed here(3:05 am Eastern) 030709
what's it to you?
who go