jennifer outside
shivering in the cold
smoking the last of the nickel I purchased with my few remaining ones
listening to the drone of life beyond my front porch
and I realized there is nothing that isn't alive out there
in some way, shape or form
everything has motion
concentric or erratic
m o t i o n
it's alive
and everything inside
the parts you can't see
or even, at times, comprehend
emotion = motion
and I understand that this great blue machine
is my deliverance
it fills a void in me
that I don't want to acknowledge is there
(and I don't mean to steal that
from anyone
but it mirrors my thoughts)
and it helps me get by
day by day by monotonous day
I am thankful
albeit saddened
that maybe this _is_ the end all
and because of it
my emotions
my motions
will be hindered
goddess is very wise all loss brings gain
don't know what's lost, don't know what's gained.
Quiggz Those who know, stay silent
Those who do not know, speak

Something like that, in the Tao Te Ching...

Well, since I'm speaking about it, I guess I don't know, huh? I wish I did... But, on the other hand, it is wonderful to hear random musings and blathes about it... I'd try one myself, but methinks it'd come out wrong... these blathes, you know, it seems to me they don't come out right if you work at them, they need to be spontaneous and thought out as they happen... at least, that's how it is for me...
ubliss *ubliss: The Ultimate Bliss*

A MATTER or more precisely SUTRA of Heart? THE_HEART_SUTRA...
kx21 I am NOTHING or more precisely
. . 040924
kx21 iLink:-

Karma * Unimaginable_ferocity *

what's it to you?
who go