unhinged 'just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there'

how painfully true
highanddry (there's someone on your shoulder) 050721
andru235 i am really beginning to question my sanity, for the twenty-eigth time this year...

yesterday i asked my cohabitants if they had any idea why that is used as a phrase of consolation...and today, misstree blathes about it!

it is the ninth such blather coincidence where something that was discussed here appears hours later on blather.

i was feeling overwhelmed by this coincidence but knowing that someone might "there there" me restores my faith in orange kangaroo dung. whew.
unhinged blather has a way of doing that since we are all so like minded around here.

actually i was listening to the string quartet version of this radiohead song today and the words got stuck in my head.

cause i think of all the relationships i've had with boys since i stopped talking to my ex and they are so....handicapped. probably because my ex was the first person i didn't mind being there for cause he was there for me too. not that he couldn't be an ego_centric selfish and deaf asshole at times.

cause so many times i've had a heart_pang and thought 'don't get your hopes up.'

'just because you feel it doesn't mean it's there'

. like minded? you do NOT want a mind like mine. Seriously. 050722
andru235 excuse me...i refered to misstree when i meant unhinged.

uh...they...look similar on paper...?

+=+=+=+=+ ~and~ +=+=+=+=+

when someone is sad, why not ask, "where, where?"
mt blather_oracle
what's it to you?
who go