User24 still a cool language, for memory's sake
ROFL what happened to Rcomplicated 031014
User24 Rcomplicated was dropped a few years after it was released. 031014
karl the weed i still know some qbasic, lol 040213
u24 I wrote a cool snake game in qb. it rocked. (still got it somewhere..) 040213
karl the weed i wrote a drawing program. i think im going to make it into a puzzle game. 040219
The Moon Is Clear that's a fun language Do While not EOF(1) I miss those lonely days of programming fantasies
and insertions
niska wow.

how did i guess it was you user24, who started this one...

it seems so ridiculous to still include this on my resume in the "other skills" category, but it really is an 'other skill', because you have to think of it like native culture.

it's gone.

there's about 5 people left in the world who can speak the language. (well, more - but i'm trying to make my point here...)

i hated that i had to learn this in college.

yes - college! and that wasn't that long ago, really...

just like that scentence writing class - i mean, shouldn't you know how to construct a scentence if you're in college? didn't ANYONE have phonics growing up?

one would think so, but then, you kids all change the world...

Q-Basic is as dead as the dodo. and kids who can read? i'm off on another rant with that crap.
u24 qbasic... it's better than pascal! 040220
niska PASCAL!?!?!?


you are a renaissance man.
white_wave *dusts off Commodore 64 in garage* 040221
Narf COBOL is waay cooler 040509
u24 pascal sucks bigtime (sorry, blaise, but, c'mon!) I grew up on a ZX spectrum 128k, coding in BASIC. little wonder I turned out the ubergeek that I am.

once, we loaded a game, and it crashed and showed us all the source_code. it was intense. (I was about 8)
u24 never tried COBOL, or FORTRAN, or any of the more exotic languages. 040908
what's it to you?
who go