Aaron screaming sound of silence in an insomniac's sleepless light, a prevailig night to overwhelm the mind, in the absince of peace of distilled nerves.. mixed seratonin and dopeamin flooding where it should not be, taking over the very esence of me. human in body only.. mind to far gone.. ingestion of mixtures long past, but the traces keep comming back. bits and pieces of imformation i'm not saposed to know... still trying to figure out how long ago.. my last flash keeps comming back, still waiting on the next moment to pass, so i can go back to find it again... i don't think it will ever end, but if i hessitate i give something away, maybe i got abducted today. so wide awake that my daymares are real, so tired that i can't sleep. 011110
CheapVodka wow 011110
god sleeping in a jar 020405
thieums Insomnilepsy happens when you keep on falling asleep and then waking up in very quick patterns, so that your eyes constantly blink and you end up biting your tongue and screaming for no reason whatsoever because you believe you are followed by thirty ducks and a velociraptor in your bathroom and the magic mushrooms stopped working ages ago and maybe you shouldn't have taken that much coffee and why do the sleeping pills don't have any effect anymore and you wish you had a gun to blow your aching skull 101130
what's it to you?
who go