sleep, according to our blather-god, is for creeps that being said, i should be one well-rested piece o'crap but i'm not 'cause i can't wheeeeeee! goddamnit.
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still awake hanging around in the half-light of a place that is and is not sleep eyes won't stay open won't stay closed faint and not so faint sounds of assorted night-dwellers like the kind i used to be moving through and about the city streets now, if only i knew what it took to make pennyroyal_tea
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that horrible state of being so exhausted and laying there in bed... mind racing about the world around you. all you want to do is turn it off and enjoy the warm, soft blankets... but no, not that lucky. even if you could focus on just one thing, you might trick yourself into falling asleep... sorry again, can't even do that. you don't want to open your eyes because you might be really close and if you look around you'll have to start all over again. laying there, just laying there for hours... eventually you'll either get up for good and have a wonderfully exhausted day, or you'll just pass out in a restless sleep broken by every little sound ever fucking god damn 5 mintues. let it flow
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i'll get lost in thought, and 2 hours later i'll remember i'm awake. then ill go eat some meat(makes me sleepy ig guess), or as it's happening right now, come on here.
what's it to you?