misstree get knocked down.
this is the easy part,
though it doesn't feel like it.

reel for a moment, figure out why
the ground is suddenly all there is and
your knee is bleeding and
that precious thing you had in your hand...

but don't let that moment last.
dab the scrape with a handkerchief and
smile at the thought of the new stain on your pants.

gather your strength to stand,
because really, this is the hardest part,
putting behind, getting ready to
walk and fall and walk again,
pulling free of restful earth and
facing what may be.

but if the journey is the only thing
we have to show for ourselves, at the end,
no sense sitting in squalor.
laced did anybody see?

who cares, keep running.
u24 if I hang around in the same bars as me and make eye contact, I'll pick myself up in no time. 061230
u24 hey sexy, haven't I seen you around here before? 061230
u24 uh, yeah, weren't you here last week? 061230
u24 sure was. wanna dance? 061230
u24 ok, great :) 061230
pete thanks mt 061230
klairchen mistree, your words are like a achingly languid and twisted set of branches belonging to the most stoic tree. thank you through these tears, iced and glazed. i will reluctantly hold them dear... 061230
pete rereading my brief comment it appears slightly sarcastic.. that may just be me, but either way i don't mean it to be taken so. i genuinely needed to read that this afternoon. thank you. 061230
laced fall 071024
u24 I also thank you misstree. 071024
what's it to you?
who go