i_remember, in victoria, catherine street, was i six then, looking out the window, standing barefoot on wooden floor, looking out the window, hello operator, picking up the phone, have you got the time, i don't have a clock, hello operator two or three times a day sometimes once an hour hello operator i don't know why i just liked hearing them telling me the time and how sometimes they would recognize me years got older i got other houses and other phones and other operators but i don't know why i stopped one day i haven't said hello operator in a long time are there still hello operators? do they still tell the time?
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in england you can dial 123 and a computer reads the time to you. it's funky. "at the third stroke, the time, sponsored by acurist, will be...twelve...thirtyFOUR... Pm........... beep.....beep.....beep..... at the fourth stroke, the time" (and so on)
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stork daddy
hello operator please give me number nine, and if you disconnect me i'll chop off your behind the refrigeration there lays a piece of glass and if you sit upon it you'll cut your little...ask me no more questions and tell me no more lies the boys are in the bathroom zipping up their flies are in the meadow the bees are in the park, miss suzy and her boyfriend are kissing in the dark is like a movie the movies like a show don't ask me no more questions for that is all i know.
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our playground in elementary school had no grass. asphalt and gravel, kickball was always dangerous. and who ever thought it was a good idea to put woodchips on the ground near a jungle gym? splinters are just as hard to dig out of open wounds as gravel.
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i used to have a toy mobile phone that said hello_operator in a japanese accent when you pressed the buttons.
what's it to you?