Dear Flame, I don't deny you the right to defend your friend. Regardless I still feel you should look deeper into things and do more investigation before you choose to barrade someone. Both Chris and my relationship with each other is equal in blame and guilt. Neither of us can claim to be innocent in any regard and what is between us we will keep between us. What I said about him on blather was anonymous... myself under my blather name and Chris was never mentioned. As this place is a very lovely garden for venting and getting certain memories and pains off your mind I felt it necessary for me to write what I was feeling at that moment. I will not take it back nor can I change how I feel towards Chris now. As I do not know who you are it is unjust of my to take a personal crusade out against you and therefore any future contact I have with you ends here. I hope that you continue with your endeavors and that my knack for "Cruelty and heartlessness" does not befall you. Good day. -ethereal or namely Megan Clark
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i admire you, miss ethereal. i would not be so kind.
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but, jthemo, that is who she is. so kind, so consious. her mind is a beautiful thing. strong and self critical. such a person! ah! *smiles*
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and pete, dear sweet unassuming, eastern pete, the sweetness of which you speak of, from whence does it come.... there is succinct denial and inaccuracies in her self concept, her words are strife with it.... if you wish to understand, then you must participate , not spectate... believe in that and your mind will flourish with truth and illiumination regarding the ethereal one.... how much do you want???
what's it to you?