Dafremen R. Dafremen

Asian eyes
How could he make you cry
When he said he loved you so?
How could he turn to go?
How could he turn away?
Your tender face
Against the wall
Your salty teardrops
Coming down like rain
I felt your pain
So much sadness in your face
I bet the madness in that place
Must make you think of home
Do you dream of home?
Is there a place you go
When his hand falls heavy?
A secret place
Where you can be alone?
Do you think of home?

Asian eyes
I watched your spirit die
When you thought he loved you so
But then he turned to go
Let them take you from that place
Took your only son
Took your beloved one
Then slapped you in the face
With his lies
His alibis flew
While your tongue fell heavy
Watched them steady you
Your tender face
Against the wall
Hands behind your trembling back
Advertised the sobs
That wracked your frame
That sang your shame
I felt your pain
Saw the twisted smirk
He couldn't hide
As they hustled you outside
As he watched you
Ride away alone
So far from home
With your face against the glass
Did you think of home?
Is there a place you go
When the tears fall heavy?
A wistful place
That you can call your own?
Do you dream of home
Asian eyes?
eyedream I do not have Asian eyes, but I have Asian hair, nose, body, and possibly spirit. 030508
shower singer what makes eyes asian?
Is it how they look or how they see?
jface i promise..

none are as captivating.
and i'll never look at them the same again.
and when i see them i'll laugh and i'll cry at the same time.
and i'll never forget the freezing nights when all i saw was you.

i promise.. that's what they to me.
daf Inspired by something I saw on COPS many years ago. I hope you're ok, my friend. 120331
what's it to you?
who go