magicforest When he left my whole world changed. I didn't know what to do about anything. I was lost. I curled up at night against my wall and wished it were his chest. I couldn't play with his hands. I couldn't kiss the long faint scar on his forehead. Everytime someone said his name I cringed. I acted irrational. I stopped eating. I stopped sleeping.

I want to say that something happened that triggered me into happiness again, but there was nothing. Just the long treading as things slowly were less painful, when I could go an hour without his name in my head, when I could go a day without feeing the crushing sensation, when I slowly remembered how to exist on my own and without him.

He never came back.
magicforest He called me on the phone, my father. I knew it would happen and it did; when I went to sleep I had the nightmare. When I woke up I tasted metallic blood in my mouth, a taste all too familiar. I opened my eyes and screamed and screamed and screamed, my bed was saturated with blood, it was everywhere. When I could stop screaming I realized it wasn't blood, it was ink. A maternal punishment for stealing her pen. Now I can look back on it and almost laugh.

I did not die.
magicforest There are more than enough things I have survived. And considering the lives of others, I had it pretty damned easy.

Here is what I learned about magicforest_survival:

1. What does not kill me makes me stronger.
2. Nothing will kill me.

What is your survival?
seventh samurai if we fought with real swords, i would've killed you 031110
magicforest touché 031110
what's it to you?
who go