frAnk in what ways do you think gilman's story is relevant to women in today's society? 010925
Logan I don't know...Gilman has some relevance to today, sure, but you have to realize how personal The Yellow Wallpaper actually IS. She went through a period of post partum depression and was also objectified by her husband much the same way the character of Jane is in the story. However, you also have to face the fact that Gilman intentionally wrote the story so that the names are EXTREMELY ambiguous...Jane, John, and the woman lurking around doesn't have a name, making it easier for the reader to identify these people as nearly anyone, including themselves. I think it's relevance today would be to understand the past and what it meant to be a woman confined then and to avoid using those selfsame confines in the world today. 010926
unhinged that story really freaked me out but i read it five years ago so i don't remember the details. 010927
Sonya I read this story when I was 15 years old, and unfortunately I could relate to the main character's feelings (or perhaps lack thereof). I am now 19, and I find myself falling deeper and deeper into a depression I've never imagined. Some days I push everything that brings me down out of my mind, only to realize that these things are important to me in some way or another. Some days I want to just rake myself over barbed wire (at least then the pain would be of my own doing). Maybe this time I can't shake it. Maybe this time I'll let it overtake me. Why can't you see me? Why don't you care? 011009
what's it to you?
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