daf A man asked God one day if He were ever intentionally cruel to people.

To this God responded, "My way is never cruel, intentionally or otherwise. What's cruel is the mind of man."

The man thought on this for awhile and no matter how long he went over it in his head, it made no sense to him..proving God's point completely.
R1sen It always feels like a general anaesthetic is like a factory reset of your brain.

You go under, and as you come out, you notice things all over again. You remember things.

It's like in your head, the most important, the most permanent and durable things come to the surface straight away.

So it's interesting to know that no matter how much you try to convince yourself of something. That you aren't thinking of someone, that you don't care about them...

When you have a factory reset, it's all in your head, right there, every barrier is down, and you can't lie to yourself.

It's wonderful and freeing and terrifying all at the same time. Which sounds about right.
unhinged per usual 151128
ego hum if there is such a place
we smell it
ergo hum sorry for the disconnection
I was laboring under the illusion that I was starting this blathe

There used to be an index where you could
see if a blathe exists. Is there such an index now?
ergot hum Anyway, I don't expect an answer
expecting isn't useless
but it gets pretty close
ergot hum to it 220417
ego hum See, once you get rid of the damn captcha
you can prattle on forever
ergo hum But seriously, ALL MIND 220417
linkage blather_navigation_systems


(these last three aren't entirely up to date, but that's the best we've got for the inaccessible index pages; no one ever tabulated all the m blathes, so those remain a mystery)
what's it to you?
who go