guess I feel like I'm a little girl again,
at my roadside lemonade stand on a hot July afternoon
Waving to people as they drive by in their air-conditioned cars.
With my drippy, hand-painted signs
Boasting "lemonade 25ยข!"
And wondering if I should have baked cookies to sell too
girl_jane Do I really need a name, or can I just feel the way I feel? 030320
User24 reminiscence? re-living childhood?

we all get it, but if you do it too much, you'll have nothing to reminice about later
Syrope what about the personality type where you cycle between
1) being convinced you're going to fail/that everything you ever tried has failed/that your education isolates you
2) being arrogant and too self-assured

like Gabriel, in James Joyce's "The Dead"...

whatever it is..i have maybe a slight version of it. at least i hope its slight.
minnesota_chris bipolar disorder... also called manic depression... good thing it's not too severe... take care of yourself! 030410
pipedream no, putting names to everything makes it less magic 030411
phil there is a word for that. 030411
x ignorance

there are two words
Syrope manic depressive = long term swings

i'm talkin like every few minutes

oh's 5 am and i still only have one real sentence and a bunch of rambling notes for my paper. *sigh*

my away message:
"mmm paper.

writing about hope and despair and love and trust and acceptance and fear and death and living...all those things that used to excite me before the paper was assigned"
three words is_there_a_name_for_this
what's it to you?
who go