x the kind of person who wanted to tell everyone everything about me. now, with a body full of burn scars, i've learned to shut up sometimes. 031209
ever dumbening unhappy.

now i know of other things.
unhinged so big and strong
i used to know my right from wrong
i used to never be afraid
i used to be somebody


grindrod (live)

Syrope so fake, and people believed everything i told them

i finally started owning up to how i really feel, and now i'm accused of being a fake.

i'd rather seem fake to these so-called friends. keeps them at arms' distance. i still have a chance. you don't, really, and that makes it ok.
phil a drug, unthinking unmoving bomb of unregistered interests smoking other people's damage, defeating my poor fragile insides 040219
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl innocent
so different.

now nobody would recognise me.
notme a person 040219
niska in love with...

changed able to talk to people and feel that i could help. now when they break down in despair i can't think of the words to say, or how to articulate them. 040220
kookaburra this little girl
free free free.
i was confident.
i was fearless.
i said what i wanted.
i didnt know about popular or teasing.
i used to be ignorant
and free free free.
i didnt know that i was too skinny for comfort.
i didn't know that my powers were finite.
i knew that i could do anything, if i really wanted to.
i was the fastest and the smartest.
i was the wonder kid.
i used to be
free free free

~~where is that little girl now?~~
birdmad somebody 040427
thunderbuck ram real, now I'm just a blathering confusion of fantasy identities. 040824
Fudge special. 040824
Doar ready to accept you without qualms. 040824
what's it to you?
who go