no reason check them out. seriously.

their myspace page (/hylozoists) is informative enough but doesn't play what i consider to be their best songs. the new album, "la fin du monde", is excellent, and i'd be more than happy to spread it around for anyone interested.

everyone should hear (and see, if they get the chance) this band.
nom were on the radio tonight i was making cakes 060705
no reason awesome
i just heard a pretty interview and a couple of songs from a guelph radio station
no reason er, that's "pretty LONG interview"
i suppose parts of it could be considered pretty
no reason if only your heart was a major sixth 060713
no reason and if i dream of you, would the sleep be too much? 060713
nom were on the radio again i was making muffins 060720
no reason i wish my heart was a major sixth
i think it'd be closer to a minor sixth, though
no reason lovers become lovers because lovers love love 061101
ever dumbening just last weekend i was playing the cd you gave me. wheeee. 061102
no reason yay! i hope you're enjoying it. 061103
no reason paul, the lead writer/instrumentalist/ said he's writing the new album and i could have an early mp3 of stuff when it's ready.

i really hope he doesn't forget.
no reason oops, there was supposed to be "etc./etc." after the slash. recording and engineering and being one of toronto's most talented musicians and such. 070210
what's it to you?
who go