dB thought you were here somewhere.
how goes it?
Dafremen Pretty good old bean. Howz it going with you?

Hey...any idea why I NEVER get more than one email from anyone but you do0d?

Is it my breath?
dB I chew this stuff called Air Waves, don't know if you've got it over there but it's great for clearing the nose.
You could try that.

I'm well as can be expected at the moment. My brain is holding it's breath waiting for something to do.

Glad to see you had a good fathers day. I forgot about it so my dad is probably not too impressed with me right now. Lucky for me he and mum live in Napier now.

Why are your kids so good to you man?
Dafremen I'd like to think that it's because they are among a handful of people who have stopped seeing me as "Mr. KNowItAll" and started seeing me for my true intentions; to help others and make life better for the people around me. They know that although I am strict, I am also very much in love with all of them and that everything I do, I do out of sincere concern for their well being and with much thought to helping them reach their dreams.

Either that or because I'll kick their little asses if they don't.
Dafremen Hey..I'm leaving now do0d...but I'll bbak this time tomorrow. Look for me k?

P.S. Soon I'll be moving to a place with cable internet available. Yeehaw!
what's it to you?
who go