Arwyn Roses are red
Violets are blue
Blather would suck
if it weren't for all of you!

Happy Valentine's Day my fellow Blatherites!
blown cherry Happy Valentines Day to you all!!!
And Happy Birthday to me :)
silentbob Thank you very much to whoever sent me the valentine about the nutered cat

You very well may have made my day
unhinged blah

i hope someone got pretty flowers today
Syrope i got a balloon, bear, candy, and a single rose...anonymously. Whoever likes me must not like me enough to ask me out tonight, so looks like i'll be sittin here listenin to my "greatest valentine songs" playlist and surfin blather...maybe i'll give myself a full pampering tonight - the whole bubble bath, romantic music, manicure, pedicure...read some dh lawrence ;) rofl Hope everyone has fun! 020214
Scarlet yeah, i didn't get CRAP.

but my 16 year old lesbian friend is takin me to Denny's to drown our sorrows in coffee.... yippee
little wonder i got a froggy and a card. 020214
lady lunchbox i got a monkey that neighs like a horse, and he's wearing little tighty-whities. his name is bingo and he likes to climb on things. i also got 3 cards hidden throughout my dorm. today was a very nice day. 020214
nemo valentines day sucks, not because im alone (which im not), but because it simly does. 020214
shiva fuck. 020215
lilac_air a rose and a card
sweet sentiments wrote in a poem
Love we will make all night
Arwyn a wonderful dinner...

no flowers,
no chocolates...

just him and me :)
Jol Valentines day
is one of those sweet and sour days that you can only truly appreciate when you are outside looking in

seeing past the fog.
kill rhythm he hates valentines day...but thats ok. he dealt with the present i got for him 020323
girl_jane So happy Valentine's Day.
I hope the sun's out in New York.
I hope he bought you roses.
I hope he bought you roses.
what's it to you?
who go