If you have so much confidence in whatever you do that you don’t need anyone else to be there, people will be drawn to you.

To others, someone’s confidence is almost like a gravitational pull. If you really enjoy what you’re doing others will enjoy being with you.

Of course there are those who try to emulate this confidence solely for the purpose of attracting people. They rarely succeed in this however, simply because deep down they don’t even want to hang out with themselves.
nom who else is gonna stay in my bedroom all day 060816
nom my cat chicken that's who 060816
nom yeah 061215
pete did it most of the day yesterday, then my friend called, didn't have money to go to the pub and it was raining, so i did it some more. was invited to synagogue, being a gentile and generally distrustful of religious establishments i turned a friend down again, so i'm doing it again. all in hopes that i actually get some work done. 061216
luda and the hairspray queen something i enjoy doing quite often. gives me time to think and create. now if only i could get that little house on top of that mountain... 061217
Syrope i really don't ever want to be by myself. when i'm sad i want to be with people so i don't think about how sad i am. when i'm happy, i want people around so i can entertain them and share the being-happy.

if i can't stand being around me, how can i expect anyone else to be able to?
epitome of incomprehensibility Some people like being alone; others don't. It all depends on whether you're a people-person or a person-person. 061217
Christ without the cross Being alone is actually much easier than being with others. I have a lot of fun with myself. i find that when I am by myself I am the most bold, honest, confident person in the world and I have a very positive outlook on myself. That changes slowly as i get around people. 061217
unhinged isn't currently enjoyable

these existential_airlines are having a hard time keeping planes in the air
what's it to you?
who go