Death of a Rose yourself going back through your old blathes at random just to see what you had posted and whether you could still agree with yourself at the present time?

I find that in some ways I've changed what I would have said in some instances, maybe disagreeing with myself on two sides of a four corner fence. can i truly reflect on what i meant at that time? was it something simple, or was it more archaic? some of the things i've said i truly am puzzled at what frame of mind i must have been in to write it, with no clear remeberances of why. am i regressing the spaces in my mind in a untenable retention of my own facts?

or am i just not taking enough ginkgo biloba?
Emptyness Alive yeah but sometimes when i look at what i say i dont know why i said it or wheather it was me who said it. and what i was wen i said it 060522
u24 there's a lot of stuff I don't remember saying.
there's a lot of stuff I regret saying (I'm so glad blather is still not a mainstream site)
people change. rarely do we get an opportunity to look at the past versions of ourselves.
z i feel the pull to edit everything, always. i look seek flaws in style, content, syntax and tone. it is my nature. that is why i find blather so engaging, i can not. i surrender the idea to the abyss, and it remains. 060522
u24 yeah, I've said before but I like the "throwing a note to the wind" feeling 060522
BnB I know there is some comfort posting stuff in the blathermaze, and having it get lost so you'll never see it again...

but then again, if you use the same screen name each time, then you (and others) can track what you've said...

That said, I'll probably look back on the stuff I posted here one day and wonder what the cruft was I thinking when I posted that stuff...
what's it to you?
who go