blather_white_screen is becoming all to fucking familiar...
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blather having a cigarette afterwards
ooh ahh, unhh unhh unhh YES! YES! YES! oh yeahhh
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possessed angel
Has anybody asked newdream why isn't blather working?
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has anyone e-mailed the newdream folks?
because blather is dying
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we are gods unwanted children
yes, but with no response
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I'll tell you what happened to blather. Your dear old fucking blather. YOu shits started making sense. You started typing to each other, to an audience, trying to communicate, form a community, belong. To blather is to go on and on foolishly. The fool, despite all his foolishness, is not self-conscious and for that I give him a lot of fucking what-you-say. So ya know, right now I'm smoking a cigarette and ashing in a styrofoam container containing styrofoamically some tepid miso soup, burping up oonaguee. It's all phonetic, babysan. And to every fucking--there are no words for how much I what-you-say--turdle burgers who ended your BLATHER with a copyright, I want you to know that I copied all your stupid shit and reused said shit with commercial intent and without your expressed written consent and goddamn I made a lot of fucking $$$$$$$$. And now I copyright this: god forbid you should turn it around and use it against me. There is no self-referential blather--I'm talking about this! THIS! Oh, and that and the third. What's going down is, this is now a message board, a chat room, an oh-so-special online community for processed horse hooves. I like you. I like you. I like you. Do you...? Do you...? Do you...? Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'll tell you what happened to blather. Your dear old fucking blather. YOu shits started making sense. You started typing to each other, to an audience, trying to communicate, form a community, belong. To blather is to go on and on foolishly. The fool, despite all his foolishness, is not self-conscious and for that I give him a lot of fucking what-you-say. So ya know, right now I'm smoking a cigarette and ashing in a styrofoam container containing styrofoamically some tepid miso soup, burping up oonaguee. It's all phonetic, babysan. And to every fucking--there are no words for how much I what-you-say--turdle burgers who ended your BLATHER with a copyright, I want you to know that I copied all your stupid shit and reused said shit with commercial intent and without your expressed written consent and goddamn I made a lot of fucking $$$$$$$$$$. And now I copyright this: god forbid you should turn it around and use it against me. There is no self-referential blather--I'm talking about this! THIs! Oh, and that and the third. What's going down is, this is now a message board, a chat room, an oh-so-special online community for processed horse hooves. I like you. I like you. I like you. Do you...? Do you...? Do you...? Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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blue star
I've been trying to sleep for 3 hours... I have to get up and go to a funeral in 6 hours. Like life hasn't already vacated my body...
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Jolly good, but you only have bits and pieces of information without the real bloody meat. What you use is essentially useless. Even the certifiably insane would never string anything useful. They've got their own book.
what's it to you?