Annie111 Billions and trillions of little strings are hanging out to dry.

I need scissors. I need a quick, clean cut, and incision, slice and forget.

Opportunity knocks, it's pounding, and it's in the door. He has dark eyes and he scrunches his nose as a reflex. I thought I could forget him, but it's impossible, those blades are blunt.

I came to the realization, i think, that i can't shut the door on him. i can't be left thinking what_if, as those if's trail into the air like whispers.
ClairE Come in my lap.

Don't let her in.
notme when I slAM the door when i
shut it closed when
the whole world
is exploding
and my sob is the
wake of a vessel whose
captain i know only from stories

it is there in these moments i shudder
life flirting with despair siphoning weight from chest noise from ears
breath losing silence
yes i am still
it's okay it really is
i_am_not the monster i thought
i was i am the daughter sister aunt
i'm the true friend you can count on
i'm the one that billions do not care for
unhinged fuck_this_noise
i'm over it
unhinged today just might have been
the last day
i see you at work
Ouroboros goodbye is in the action 090329
unhinged or lack of action 090331
jane start layering the bricks
building a higher wall
with only one portal.
unhinged and lock it behind you 090401
Ouroboros open the skylight 090401
what's it to you?
who go