yummychuckle i don't want to be alone right now. its so sad I have no one to call that would care to hear my voice at the moment.
the friends in hawaii are asleep or busy or something...
I don't have a 'boyfriend' anymore. thats no fun. i need some guy to occupy my time. fill up the blank spaces in my life.
there is this stupid void that I can't filll with anything. a stupid fucking hole because I was dumb enough to not think things through.
i had to figure out whether to listen to my heart or head and I couldn't decide, so it kept going back and forth. In the end, maybe it was better that I listened to my heart.
i don't want to be alone though. thats the one thing that my heart and head have been agreeing upon since the very first moment.
so it was like a little over a week that i listened to my head (i don't want to be alone, if i leave him I will be, maybe I do like him and I have yet to find what i really enjoy about him...). and that fucked up and i listened to my heart (you'll just keep hurting him, you know its not right, you can't stop thinking about jason, leave logan alone he doesn't deserve your shit he deserves better, you need to find someone else).

and hahahaha how the hell am I going to find someone else?

oh yeah i just remembered, my cousin is naming her baby Logan.

her and her husband liked the name when i told a story to them that involved Logan.

thought you should know something came of this.
what's it to you?
who go