fyn gula The day called him the way it does and he went where he knew to go and he did this over and over because this is where he knew to go and whatever he did, he did it because he knew it was his.
Yet, the life he didn't know he admired like one admires beauty and he reached for it until he knew, until his questions were answered and many were his questions, they just kept coming out of him and he couldn't stop them because he had to know.
camille i have many of these yet i rest in the answer 000206
girl who am i?
how do i know im here?
how do i know i exist?
what is it like behind someone else's eyes?
how do others see me?
how do they see themselves?
do other people think like this?
do dogs know they exist?
is there a soul?
when i die will i know im dead?
can you prove that we're not just a part of someone's halusination, and that we were fabricated by someones mind?
are humans really the most intelegent beings?
how do you know that you see something?
do others see the same thing?
can you prove that your life is just a dream and when you die you are actually just waking up?
will someone please tell me im not the only one who thinks like this?
devalis we count only blue cars
skip the cracks in the street
and ask many questions
like children often do

oldephebe "Every one keeps trying to tell me who i should be and what i should do? How can i stand up to them w/o being rude?

Well, you don't have to
'buy the big lie' as Dr.Z notes a christian psychologist and marriage counselor who also counsels secular clients w/o alienating by throwing his religion in their faces.

"You can use your in born free will to make your own decisions and be your own person. Your life is not out of your control;you've simply chosen for some reason to relinquish control to others. That's right you've let go of your life and placed it in the hands of poeple who are happy to make it over for you."

Dr.George Zegourides
Any hooo Dr.
what's it to you?
who go