somebody For some strange reason, I'm not compelled to create literature when I am intoxicated. 080925
conferre amshelnot for example. were you drinking bacardi_151? 080925
dafremen Perhaps we should make writing while driving illegal. Also reading. I wonder, how many accidents could be avoided if all distractions while behind the wheel were made illegal? 080926
flippo Wait...isn't that called reckless driving? And aren't we as likely to be pulled over for swerving while reading as we are for swerving while under the influence? Isn't there already a law that covers that, dafremen you insensitive ass? Think of the children for God sake! Whatever would they experience except a cookie-cutter life if all but the safest and most cuddly soft experiences are outlawed?!! 080926
dafremen ME insensitive? Why on EARTH would anyone care about the experience of living when there are people DYING? If we don't chain our behaviors down NOW with sober fear...by gawd..things might actually HAPPEN! And occasionally that could lead to tragedy! Who wants anything to happen? Who wants sobering lessons learned through life experience? Who wants to actually experiencing life and risk when we could simply read or write about such things? We have plenty of Greek tragedies to learn from, no need to court them here in the modern age...we're much too sophisticated for such things!

Seriously flippo, get off of your high horse you death monger!
your mom daf: get a life already. 080926
dafremen So I'm assuming that you tend to agree with flippo on this matter? 080926
irked please! take THOSE arguments back to the blathe whence they came!

dafremen (smug expression) And WHAT condition did you think I've been in while blathing here? Hmmmm? 080926
flippo Yea! (Hey stop hoggin the Labatt's! daf, ya fuckin lush!) 080926
daf does not feel like sharing this last can Mine! 080926
what's it to you?
who go