girl_jane Last night I went to a play, "Anton in Show Business." It's about doing a play. Yes, I know that idea is cliche and overused, but this one was different.

It's addressed WHY you do theatre and how it's being shat upon by American society. Nobody wants smart plays, they want musicals that don't make them think...

This was a very smart and funny play.

Anyway, I haven't been in a performance since last spring. I need it.

Right now I'm working as a crew member for a production. We were working on the set Friday, and the lighting people brought up the stage lights.

I immediately turned around so the light could hit my face, and I shut my eyes. It was so warm, and I could feel the rays just soaking into my body and surrounding every cell of my being. I felt at home again...

But then they shut off the lights...and I went back to the staple gun...

I feel so pathetic. I'm crying right now because I miss the stage so much.

I was crying last night at the show too, because the characters were saying things that were exactly what I've been feeling...I need the warmth of the lights again, and the annoying candy wrapper sounds the audience makes, and the applause, and the stage...

I need theatre. It's no good having an addictive personality.
realistic optimist i miss the theatre group i was a part of. i was such a big part of the group, they looked up to me, and i had to go. now i can't even drive myself to the rehearsals even if i wanted to cuz i've fucked up my life in certain ways so badly... i'm sure i willl find my way to the stage again, but i miss the cathartic pull of the stage, the character, the cast... 031012
Death of a Rose Hmmm.....I'll apologize because....no, nevermind, i have nothing to say. 031012
what's it to you?
who go