The Words of Jesus of Nazareth The Father who sent me has instructed me as to what I should tell you. I know that his words lead to everlasting life; so whatever he tells me to say, I say.

These words that I speak are not my own, but come from the Father who has sent me. They that hear the words that I speak, and believe in him who has sent me, will have everlasting life; they will not be condemned but pass from death to life.
Listen: the hour is coming, and has already come, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and whoever hears his voice shall live.
You search the ancient prophetic writings because you long to find eternal life. All the while they testify of me; and yet you hesitate to come to me that you might find the life you are seeking.
Though not appearing to you personally, or speaking to you audibly, the Father has testified of me. But by refusing to believe me, the one sent to you by my Father, close your ears from hearing the very voice of God.
How is that some of you say, regarding the one whom the Father has set apart as his very own and sent into the world, "He blasphemes because he says, 'He is the Son of God'?"
I tell you now: I am the way, the truth, and the life; no on can know the Father, except by my introduction. Only the Spirit gives life. Your earthly body grows old and will eventually fail, but the words that I speak to you are spirit and are life.
I do not judge the one who hears these words and doesn't believe; for I have not come to judge the world, but to save it. Be warned, however; those that reject me and my words will be held accountable: the truth that I have spoken will stand as your judge on the last day.
Surely the heavens above you, and the earth beneath your feet, will one day pass away; but the words that I speak will never pass away.

These are the very words of Jesus of Nazereth. Taken originally from the Bible , and arranged here by subject as they appear in Lee Cantelon's book "The Words" (c) 1997. []
pagan girl on!

i have to admit that in most cases i dont agree but if u believe it, it gives u hope, or it makes u happy go with it!
good for u because i know an aweful lot of people who dont know what to believe, if anything, and i appreciate that people can be so into their faith to not b ashamed of it and announce what they believe to an audience(so to speak)

good for u!
atheist god right on! 011215
ClairE Yay! I can only agree. Rock_on! 011215
what's it to you?
who go