i became something that i'm not out of fear. i've become a neutered version of myself. i'm only me inside my head and on paper. i'm censored...there were army guys milling about...with guns. You start a discussion with me on the war and on palistine and isreal. Why?(...tips, racist,anti-semetism,fundumentalism,terrorism, anti-american,ashcroft, lockdown,love it or leave it,...) is the only thing running through my mind. i won't take off my sweatshirt cuz underneath is a tee blazing Anti-flag (and they wouldn't understand)...and i'm in the middle of the south and there are army guys milling about and they're checking everyone's luggage and there is all sorts of vauge rules on how to spot a terrorist and terrible stories of vicious nationalists. actually maybe it's more about something that i am...a coward and ashamed.(and probably a little full of myself besides)